MPL Rogue Heist Game Download: Best PUBG alternative game

Hello gamers, welcome to the Gamersgurukul- the best gaming site. Today we got great gaming news.

The Mobile Premium League has announced the MPL Rogue Heist game Download as India’s first Shooter game.

After the band of PUBG, all PUBG lovers are looking for the best games like PUBG or the best PubG mobile alternative games. There are lots of Similar Games like PUBG Mobile for Android. We already made a list of the best games like Pubg for Android.


But India’s people want games that are made in India and those games are not made in India. Don’t worry because the MPL Rogue Heist Game is made in India. This is similar to Pubg and FreeFire.

So let’s jump into the MPL Rogue Heist Game Review.

MPL Rogue Heist Game Download: Released date, Rogue Heist APK Download 

About MPL Rogue Heist Download


MPL Rogue Heist is a unique third-person action Shooting game for mobile. This game is released on 16 October 2020 by MPL – Mobile Premium League.

This is a made-in-India game and it’s still in Early Access beta. The size of the game is around 0.99 GB. You need a full internet connection to play Rogue Heist.

The game has two different stories, both stories come with the same loot that lie in action. You can team with the crew in a 5v5 Heist Mode to experience some anxiety-pumping matches.

Each match is unique since no one can tell what strategy your rival will use against you. You can battle with your friends or play solo to become a master in the game.

MPL Rogue Heist Modes


Rogue Heist is an intense arena game that comes with mind-blowing Heist Modes. In the game, you get different mods like Fast-Paced 5v5 Heist, 10 Player Brawl Modes, and Gang War. Let’s get a look at them.

Unique Heist Mode


In this mode, both teams are fighting for the same reason. Both teams have to reach the cash van in the center of the map to start the heist.

There are many lockers in the van full of cash. Now you have to tap on one of the lockers to start hacking. After hacking the locker, tap on the collect cash button.

Now pick up the cash bag and secure it in your team car. After securing 3 cash bags from the van, you have to begin a car escape arrival time of 2 minutes.

You have to beware of your opponent because they can steal your bags from your van and defend them till the escape car arrives. You can also steal cash bags from rivals’ cars.

You get 10 minutes to complete your Heist because after 10 minutes a Police will Show up! The team with more cash bags at the end of the match, Wins.

About Brawl Mode


In brawl mode, Each player enters as a solo competition. You have to follow the bag marker to find the laptop. You have to tap on the Pickup Laptop button to steal the laptop.

Now money will transfer from the laptop by tapping the Start Hack Button. You have to live as far as you can. Because if your opponent kills you and picks up the bag, the money will transfer to their account.

Otherwise, you have to eliminate the opponent to pick up the bag and Start hacking. The player who transfers the most amount of money will win the match.

About Gang War

A gang war is a 5 VS 5 battle mode like FreeFire. I must have to say that this game is similar game to Garena Free Fire.

This mode is all about fighting against your gang or a rival gang. The first is more kills after a timer of 7 minutes end will win. The second is to reach a total of 50 kills first to win.

MPL Rogue Heist Game Features


There are tons of game Features that make this game the best Indian Shooting game or the best game like Pubg or FreeFire that is made in India.

  • You get daily New challenges to make the game more rewarding for players
  • 8 unique unlock-able specialists with Special skills
  • a planned road map for new specialists, weapon & character skins, specialist skills, maps & more
  • Console-quality graphics with responsive Controls
  • Customize your Specialist with striking skins

This type of feature will make this the best mobile game of 2020. So make sure to MPL Rogue Heist Game Download now for Free.


Rogue Heist Game’s 8 Unique Specialist Characters


Here I give information about 8 Rogue Heist specialists with their names, skills, and Specialized weapons. So let’s jump into this.


TRACER comes with an infrared scanner that allows scanning the enemies based on their heat signature on the map for 5 seconds. TRACER is Specialized in a Mark 8 gun.


SKULL comes with a Throwing Knife Skill. He eliminates an opponent within 4 meters range. It’s equivalent to a one-shot kill. SKULL is Specialized in RSG1 Sniper Gun.


WASP has taser drone skills. Where he can attack with a drone, which can tase the nearest opponents for 5 sec. WASP is Specialized in AOG Weapon.


CROW comes with gas attack skills. He uses poisonous gas, which can reduce the health of opponents if they stay in the gas zone for 10 sec. CROW is an AKL Specialist.


MR.X has a Bulletproof Suit. That will protect from any bullet damage while shot at for up to 4 sec. Mr. X is a Specialist in Bagetta 556.


WALL has a Drone Gun. So he can hover above & shoot any opponent’s insight & range, each spell lasting 4 seconds. WALL is an NGV LM Specialist.


MAYHEM comes with a Bazooka, Which can create quite a stir with an explosion. It brings 6 sec! He is a Specialist in LM M499.


STRIKER is a sniper Turret and a one-shot kill machine. He works as an assist sniper. He is a specialist in A150 to eliminate opponents within 10 MTR range.


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People always Asks

Is Rogue Heist an Indian Game?

MPL Rogue Heist is a unique third-person action Shooting game for mobile. This game is released on 16-Oct-2020 by MPL – Mobile Premium League. This game is completely in India. So yes, the rogue heist is an Indian game.

Is Rogue Heist Free?

Yes, Rogue Heist is free to download the game. The size of the game is 1 GB. You can download this game on the Google Play store for Free.

How do I download Rogue Heist?

We can directly Download Rogue Heist from Google Playstore. You only have to search for this on Google Play store and Click on the Install button. This game is free to download.

That’s it for today. That is a full detailed review of the MPL Rogue Heist Game download for Mobile Devices. As per the Review, I have to say that this is the best shooting game of the year.

That is the best Similar game to FreeFire and PUBG. And the best part about the game is that the game is made in India. So Don’t forget to MPL Rogue Heist game Download Now.


Now let us know your favorite game in the comments down below.

Stay Happy and healthy.

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